Who We Are
East Valley Astronomy Club (EVAC) is a group of more than 100 astronomy enthusiasts in the eastern part of the Valley of the Sun. We started out in 1987 as a small band of amateur astronomers in the eastern suburbs of Phoenix, hence the name "East Valley Astronomy Club." We became a nonprofit Arizona corporation in June, 1995.
Our membership now includes people from all over the Valley, even a few from out of town. Our purpose is simple: to forge a network of friendly people with a common interest in astronomy. A significant part of our mission is public outreach to promote awareness of Astronomy. EVAC manages the Gilbert Rotary Centenial Observatory at the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert. The club also participates in many school star parties during the year at Science Nights or Reading Under the Stars events. We also host a monthly public star party near the Southeast Regional Library in Gilbert. See the Events section for more details.
Why Join East Valley Astronomy Club?
Our members have a wide range of interests and experience. Whether you are in the market for equipment, looking to get started in astronomy or need help or advice on a project, chances are someone in our club has been there before and would be willing to help out.
Club star parties and meetings give you a chance to meet new friends, get together with old friends, talk astronomy and spend some time under the stars.
The club has access to several good observing sites, eliminating the need to try to find a site on your own.
The club offers the opportunity to actively participate in the promotion of the astronomical sciences.
Other Benefits of Membership
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are many other services EVAC offers to its members.
EVAC publishes a monthly newsletter - The Observer - packed with information and articles written by our own members. Each issue is made available at the beginning of the month for download from the website.
Name Badges
Don't be just another face in the crowd! Order an EVAC name badge. Contact our Treasurer to order your name badge for only $10 each.
Public Star Parties
Part of our mission is to promote public awareness of astronomy. EVAC sponsors numerous public star parties each year. We currently host a monthly public star party near the Southeast Regional Library in Gilbert. See the club calendar for more details.
Observing Programs
EVAC offers several fun and challenging observing programs designed to enhance your knowledge of the night sky while improving your observing skills... all while taking in some of the sky's most interesting objects.
Astronomical League Membership
EVAC offers reduced cost of membership to the astronomical League ($7.50) Background Presentation.
Club Legal Status Notice
East Valley Astronomy Club is a nonprofit Arizona corporation formed to support education in astronomy and related sciences through various member activities and public outreach initiatives. While we encourage interested persons to find out more about our club by attending the general meetings or public star parties as a guest, some club services and activities are only available to members.
The East Valley Astronomy Club is also a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as designated by the IRS. Our specific public charity status is 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). Donations are tax deductible according to Section 170 of the IRC and are used for the activities that carry on the goals of the organization as specified in our Articles of Incorporation on file with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
EVAC Officers
Steve Bradshaw
Jeff Foreman
James Yoder
Brandon Feldman
Amanda Duvall
Vice President
Brooks Scofield
Alice Klobe
Events Coordinator
Morgan Moran
Newsletter Editor
Claude Haynes
Observatory Manager

Morgan Moran
Board of Directors

Claude Haynes
Board of Directors

Nathan Eskey
Board of Directors

Gordon Rosner
Board of Directors

Andrew Thorpe
Board of Directors
Member Websites

Observing from the dark skies of Overgaard, AZ.
Excellent astrophotos and lots of useful astrophotography information.
Collection of all images observed from his observatory and elsewhere.

AZ Star Man.
Lots of great day and nighttime photos plus CCD images and astronomy articles.

Non-Profit 501 (c) (3) Documentation
In compliance with federal law, the East Valley Astronomy Club will publish all required documentation relative to our nonprofit incorporation and tax exempt status on our website. This measure satisfies the requirements stipulated by the Internal Revenue Service regarding public availability of said documentation.