Since the inception of the East Valley Astronomy Club, many distinguished speakers have made presentations at our monthly meetings. View a list of past speakers and topics at monthly meetings.
January 19th - Dr. Jacob Adler (ASU) - Mars mudflows from remote sensing and lab experiments
February 16th - Dr. Rogier Windhorst (ASU) - The World of Webb, the Cosmic Circle of Life, and seeing through the Eyes of Einstein
March 15th - Jessica Berkheimer (ASU) - Gravity Wave Zoo: classifying gravity waves, instabilities, and Aurora over the Arctic region.
April 19th - Jenna Moore (ASU) - The Simons Observatory: Next-generation cosmology from the Atacama Desert
May 17th - EVAC member presentations on April Eclipse
June 21st - Rick Scott & Tom Mozden (ASU) - ASU project; James Yoder - Astroplanner; Lavi Berko - Space Travel
July 19th - Kevin Schindler (Lowell Observatory): Remembering astronomer Robert Burnham Jr.
August 16th - Amy Zhao (ASU): Space-Based Instrumentation for Exploration of Trojan Asteroids and Beyond
September 20th - Dr. Alan Strauss - Vera Rubin Observatory
October 18th - Dr. Russ Genet (Mt. Wilson)
November 15th - Dr. Laura Neves Ribeiro do Amaral (Arizona State University)
January 21st - James Jackman (ASU) - Looking Forward and Back to Bridge the UV Gap.
February 17th - Rolf Jansen (ASU) - JWST and the PEARLS Project of Faint Galaxies.
March 17th - Nick Moskovitz (Lowell Observatory) - Earth Strikes Back: Nasa's First Planetary Defense Test Experiment.
April 21st - Rev. Dr. Christopher Corbally (Vatican Observatory) - ML and More in Stellar Spectral Classification.
May 19th - Dr. Steven Neil Shore (University of Pisa, Italy (via Zoom). Classical Novae as Thermonuclear Explosions: Cosmic Sources Violating the Test Ban Treaty
June 16th - Tom Polakis - Astroimages: More Than Just Pretty Pictures.
July 21st - Dr. Matt Penn (National Solar Observatory) - Solar Observing and 2024 Solar Eclipse.
August 18th - Steven Bradshaw - How Far Away Is That (And How Do We Measure It)?
September 15th Paul Knauth - Visual Observing in the Golden Age of Astronomy.
October 20th --Member Presentations and Discussion of October 14th Annular Eclipse.
November 17th - David Iadevaia - Observing the Milky Way with a Do It Yourself Radio Telescope.
January 21st - Steve Desch (ASU) - "Oumuamua".
- February 18th - Nat Butler (ASU) - Software and Small Telescopes: Searching for the Needle in the Haystack.
March 18th - Phil Mauskopf (ASU) - Applications of Single Photon Detectors in Astronomy and in Breakthrough Starshot's Downlink Communications.
April 15th --Jenny Patience - Exoplanets.
May 20th - Paul Knauth - Deep Time, the Universe, Table Salt, and the Prospect for Life as We Know it Elsewhere.
June 17th- Sid Frede - Astrophotography is a Journey, Not A Sprint!
July 15th - Sid Frede - Astrophotography is a Journey, Not A Sprint!... Part 2
August 19th --Don Wrigley - Lunar Explorations
September 16th - Kevin Schindler of Lowell Observatory - The View from Mars Hill.
October 21st - Brooks Scofield - New Meteorite Display for GRCO.
November 18th - Maitrayee Bose - What the Chemistry of Rocky and Icy Asteroids tells us about the Formation of the Universe.
December 22nd - EVAC 35th Anniversary Party.
January 15th -Travis Rector University of Anchorage Alaska - "How and Why We Make Color Composite Images at Professional Observatories".
February 19th - Gerard van Belle Lowell Observatory - "Present Research Capabilities and Future Plans".
March 19th - Nivedita Mahesh Arizona State University - "A Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark Ages and Exoplanets". A Probe Class mission concept funded by NASA to place a radio array on the lunar farside.
April 16th - Richard Hedwick CEO of Planewave Instruments - "Brief history of Planewave, Telescope and Mount Making, and the Newest Product Member".
May 21st - Dave Eicher - "Inside the Universe’s Star Cities".
June 18th - Bob King - "Adventures in Visual Observing"
July 16th - Felipe Mac Auliffe - "The History and Milestones of Radio-Astronomy in Chile".
August 20th - Alan Friedman - "Minimum to the Max".
September 17th - Dr. Nathan Williams NASA/JPL - "The Mars Helicopter "Ingenuity": First 6 Months on the Red Planet".
October 15th - Tyler Richie-Yowell Phd Candidate at ASU - Evaluating Planets Orbiting K-stars for "Super Habitability".
November 19th --Jeff Kanipe - Peculiar Galaxies: What Makes a Galaxy Peculiar?Peculiar Galaxies: to
December 17th - Member Presentation Night:
David Dunham - "Three Recent Occultation Results (briefly)". Plus - general information about how to participate in future expeditions.
James Yoder - How to effectively use the monthly list of objects for astrophotography.
Alex Nachman - How to Process Data from the Hubble Space Telescope to Produce Color Images.
Sid Frede - Automating Astrophotography. A quick look at using software/hardware tools to automate image capture.
Jon Koester - How to Build Your Own Home Observatory.
January 17th - Dr. Chris Groppi talked about New stratospheric balloon missions at ASU for astrophysics research: GUSTO, TIM, and ASTHROS.
February 21st - Don Machholtz talked about the Messier Marathon.
May 15th - Dr. Adam Beasley - Radio Arrays to Map the Cosmic Dawn.
June 19th - Dr. Patrick Young - Supernovae: Life and Death Among the Stars.
July 17th - Dr. Jessie Christiansen - On the Road to a Billion Planets.
August 21st - Babak Tafreshi - The World at Night Photography.
September 18th - Dr. Rogier Windhorst - James Webb Space Telescope.
October 23rd - Anthony Wesley - High Resolution Planetary Imaging in 2020.
November 20th - Tom Field - "You can almost touch the stars".
December 5 - Mateo Tacca - "Gravitational Wave Detection of VIRGO-LIGA and Upgrade Plans".
December 18 - Ed Buie - "Turbulence in the Halos of Galaxies".
January 18th - Tom Mozdzen talked on recent efforts at ASU to find evidence of when the first stars formed.
February 15th - Sam Gordon (ASU) - A New Way to Space: Launching Telescopes by Balloon from Antarctica.
March 15th - Scott Dickenshied (ASU) - Techniques for Capturing Images During High Speed Flybys.
April 19th - Gordon Rosner - Rocketing into Space.
May 17th - Dr. Chad Trujillo (NAU) - Discovery of minor planet Erin, the "Goblin", and the search for Planet X.
June 21st - Dr Larry Wasserman (Lowell Observatory) - Characterizing Ultima Thule during NASA's New Horizon Mission.
July 19th - Dr. Paul Scowen (ASU) - Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) Program.
August 16th - Mike Alegria Manager of the Multiple Mirror Telescope talked about the 40 year history of the MMT and where the science is headed now and in the future.
September 20th - Tom Polakis - "Galaxy Taxonomy" and "A Century in The Blink of an Eye".
October 18th - Dr. Dennis Zaritsky spoke about the design, current status, and planned science of the Giant Magellan Telescope.
November 15th - Dr. Jessica Noviello, a postdoctoral scholar at Arizona State University, talked about her work mapping the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.
January 19th - Dr. “Lindy” Elkins-Tanton, Director ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE). Topic: Astronomy and Space Projects being run from ASU.
February 16th - Melodie Kao - Brown Dwarfs.
March 16th - Tom Polakis. Topic: CCD Photometry from Inside The Light Dome.
April 20th - Dennis Zaritsky - Halo of Hydrogen gas surrounding all galaxies.
May 18th - Jim Bell - Voyager Mission
June 15th - Dr. Michael West - The Large Scale Structure of the Universe.
July 20th - Ted Blank - New Horizons Mission to Pluto and Beyond.
August 17th - Bob Buchheim, Wayne Thomas and Bernard Miller will present their experiences building and operating their observatories..
September 21th - Dr. Steven Levine - Challenges of Commissioning the New Discovery Telescope.
October 19th - Dr. Rick Sarmento - The First Stars Following the Pristine Gas in the Early Universe.
November 16th - Dr. Danny Jacobs - The Hydrogen Epoch Reionization Array (HERA). HERA is a radio telescope dedicated to observing the large scale structure during and priior to the epoch of reionization.
January 20th - Dr. Steven Desch, ASU - "Physics of the Space Race."
February 17th - Craig Hardgrove from ASU who is the Manager of a cube sat launch for a lunar satellite will talk about looking for water at the Moon's poles.
March 17th - Jim Shedlowsky. Enjoy the perspective of a winter visitor on the rich astronomical traditions and opportunities in Arizona.
April 21st - Kevin Schindler. Lowell Observatory laid the seeds for tremendous growth in astronomy and space science in Arizona. Celebrate the history of the venerable Clarke telescope, and hear about the restoration of the Pluto astrograph.
May 19th - Rogier Windhorst. This ASU professor has been involved with the evolution of the Hubble Space Telescope imaging, and the development of the James Webb Telescope. Hear the latest on telescopic imaging.
June 16th - Summer Solstice Starbaque
July 21st - Michael Sori - Minor planet Ceres has provided major surprises. Our guest from the University of Arizona will discuss the latest finding on cryo-volcanism with research from the Dawn mission.
August 18th - Meeting has been cancelled due to its proximity to the August 21 solar eclipse.
September 15th - Solar Eclipse Forum.
October 27th - Dean Ketelsen U of A Mirror Lab. Meeting date moved to avoid conflict with the All Arizona Star Party on October 20 and 21.
November 17th - Robert Hobbins - ASU School of Sustainability talked on Dark Sky Research.
January 15th - Chris Corbally, Vatican Observatory - "Stellar Spectral Classification."
February 19th - Bernard Miller - Photoshop Image Processing Techniques.
March 18th - Paul Knauth - Personal Observations on Observing.
April 15th - Adam Block - The Beauty of the Night Sky.
May 20th - Brooks Scofield - 2016 Eclipse Trip
June 17th - Summer Solstice Starbaque
July 15th - Members Night - Presentations by Wayne Thomas on Asteroid Occultation and also Lynn Young and Claude Haynes on Astonomy Applications for Laptops and Phones.
August 19th - Special Meeting at Mesa Community College Planetarium - Dr. Kieth Healy will give a tour of the planetarium at 1833 W Southern in Mesa. NO MEETING IN THE LIBRARY - MEET IN THE PLANETARIUM.
September 16th - Roger Windhorst - Update on Space Telescopes.
October 21st - Tom Polakis - Time Lapse Photography.
November 18th - Paul Knauth.
January 16th - Richard Harshaw will talk about the research he did at Kitt Peak as an amateur.
February 20th - Michael Smith will give a presentation titled "How distant can we see? Our optical horizon".
March 20th - Don Wrigley will give a talk on the Moon.
April 17th - Steven Aggas - "Beyond Telescope Making"
May 15th - Dr. Steven Desch, ASU - "Ceres and the Planet Pluto and Charon"
June 19th - Tom Field - RSpec (Amateur Spectroscopy)
July 17th - Paul Temple of AAVSO - Central Stars of Planetary Nebula.
August 21st - Michael Smith - The Physics and Astronomy of Supernove Explosions.
September 18th - Steve Coe - "My Favorite Comets"
October 16th - Bernard Miller - Calibration, Registration and Stacking Tutorial using CCDStack.
November 20th - Dr. Peter Milne, University of Arizona - "Accelerating Universe: Not So Fast.
January 17th - David A. Williams, Ph.D. - Director, The Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies; Director, NASA Planetary Aeolian Laboratory; School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University - Satellites of the Outer Planets
February 21st - Dr. Melissa Bunte Ph.D - Automatic Detection of the Outer Solar Sytem and Vulcanization.
March 21st - Don Wrigley will give a talk on the Moon.
April 18th - Bill Dellinges - Tale of the Telescopes - How I ended up with 13.
May 16th - Gordon Rosner will talk about Rocketry.
June 20th - Solstice Star-B-Q and Swap Meet. EVAC will provide the burgers, hot dogs and drinks. Please share a salad or desert if you can, but do come and have some fun.
July 18th - Howard Anderson will talk about his remote observatory and taking pictures.
August 15th - Henry DeJonge - The Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy.
September 19th - Dr. Paul Knauth (ASU).
October 10th - Joint Meeting with SAC - Speaker will be Fred Espenak who does the NASA Eclipse website.
November 21st - Dr Buell T. Jannuzzi of the University of Arizona.
January 18th - Dr. Michael Barrat of NASA
Dr. Barratt has been to the ISS twice. His first trip was in 2009, via a Russian Soyuz, and was for a 199 day stay. His second trip was about the last flight of the Shuttle Discovery in 2011. He has some remarkable stories to share with us, including many photos, and movie clips. -
February 15th - Sara Walker - The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the 21st Century: Moving Beyond Radio Astronomy?"
March 15th - No meeting this month due to conflict with Messier Marathon"
April 19th - Melissa A. Morris, Ph.D. - Meteorites 101
May 17th - Rogier Windhorst - Update on James Webb Space Telescope and current research from the Hubble Space Telescope.
June 21st - Evac Star-B-Que
July 19th - James W. Ashley - Roving the Solar System.
August 16th - David A. Williams, Ph.D. - Roving the Solar System.
September 20th - Steven Desch, Ph.D. - Short-lived radionuclides in meteorites, and what it means for where the Sun formed.
October 18th - David Hatch - Talked about remote imaging with with telescopes at Tenrife and La Palma.
November 15th - Chris Cobally, Ph.D. - Vatican Observatory - "Astronomy in China
January 20th - Tom Polakis of Evac and SAC on Atacama Astronomy
February 17th - Lynn Young of Evac on The Night Sky Network
March 16th - Doloris Hill on Meteorites
April 20th - Rik Hill on NEO's and the Catalina Sky Survey
May 18th - Rogier Windhorst from ASU - NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): The new Frontier in the Cosmos after Hubble
June 15th - David A. Williams from ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration - Asteroids, Ion Propulsion, and NASA's Dawn Mission to Vesta
July 20th - Dr. Mellissa Morris Assistant Director for the ASU Center for Meteorite Studies - Which came first: the Chrondule or the Planet?
August 17th - Steven Desch from ASU - Predicting the Water Content of Earth, Gliese 581g and other Planets.
September 21st - Brother Guy Consolmagno - Twenty Five Years of Turning Left: Are We There Yet?
October 19th - Dr. Sara Walker from ASU - The Origin of Life: Some Facts, speculations, and Prospects for Finding Life Elsewhere.
November 16th - Dr. Gerard van Belle - Lowell Observatory
January 21st - Steve Coe - Wide Field Astrophotography with a DSLR
February 18th - Don Wrigley - The Moon
March 18th - Bernard Miller - Setting Up a Remote Observatory
April 15th - Dr. Rolf A. Jansen - ASU Research Scientist will talk about MAG and his work in Extra-galactic Astronomy and Cosmology.
May 20st - Robert Picconi - Einstein for Everyone
June 17th - Claude Haynes - Claude's Excellent Adventure: Arecibo Observatory
July 15th - Jan Barstad - Archeo Astronomy
August 19th - Bill Peters of Evac - Meteors and Meteorites
September 16th - David Hatch of Evac - Using SLOOH remote telescopes, and professional telescopes of the Canary Islands
October 21st - Steven Desch of ASU on Updates to the Pluto and Charon System
November 18th - Buell Jannuzi of Kitt Peak on Galaxy Evolution and the Next Generation of Major Surveys